Are you in? For anything? A friend of mine was telling me that her little boy was wanting to have a Thomas the Train birthday party for another year--I love it! He's already showing signs at 4 years old that he has passion. The only encouragement I could give her is that Sam has had the same party theme for 7 years (and the same halloween costume), and once I learned to embrace it, my life got a lot easier. Sam loves football, and the Razorbacks, and his newest "thing", golf. He has passion--to put it mildly.
Our pastor recently did a series on serving titled "all in". I realized that not everyone has found where they want to get "all in". Personally, I've found too many things. This little piece of floor art inspired me to ask the question--R U in? This is the time to make your mark, we can all make a difference in our little corner of the world.