Friday, March 26, 2010

The lost envelopes

My mom had some envelopes that she got in the mail. My dad gave them to her while she was on the computer and I was drawing. Inside the envelopes were checks and she was so tiered she put them aside.

A few days later she asked me if I remembered when dad gave her the mail and what she did with two envelopes. She said that she looked EVERYWHERE including the trash(and there was a lot of trash) I said no but when I went upstairs I looked a little bit. I came back down stairs and told her I looked a little bit in her room. Then I remembered that one time she told me that when you pray to God, he will help you. So I prayed to God for her. Later that night she came in my room and told me that she found her envelopes and she asked "guess were I found them?" and she told me that they were in her Bible. Then she said that was totally a God thing because I had prayed.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I've got a new blog partner

I was thinking about my little blog. I really do want to blog regularly and find it very difficult. I've never been good at journaling either. Then it occurred to me---I have a little mini-me that would love to help fill in the gaps! So now we have to look for a new blog name. It's going to be a joint effort between me and Lucy. I am looking forward to what she has to say :)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Emma's Day

Emma was so exited about her baptism. She slept in her cloths that she was going to get "bathtised" in. She was so exited she said to our dog Maya " Maya I'm getting "bathtised" today, aren't you proud of me?"

She said that she got a hug from almost every body after she got baptized. After church mom and dad asked where she wanted to eat to celebrate and she chose Chili's.

Emma got baptized because she asked Jesus into her heart. Then she wanted to tell EVERYONE when she got back to school. It was a day we will never forget!
