Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Pavlov Effect

I don't know why, but every time it snows I feel compelled to craft. There's just something about that beautiful sight that sends me to a happy crafting bliss. I hear a forecast of snow and I am more concerned of my craft stash than my food supply. I think if I ever wanted to be a full time crafter I would have to move to some little northern town that doesn't have a good snow removal system. Here's a recap:

I've been wanting to make sock monkeys for a while, but Lucy had feared hers wouldn't be "special" anymore. I humored that thinking for a year and finally told her to get a grip...here are a few of the cuties...

we made some hair accessories...

and some valentines day shirts--applique in reverse!

Now I have to clean up--ugg!

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