Saturday, September 6, 2008

Your gonna miss this—

Summer is over. I'm pretty sad about it.  Even though it was tiresome most of the time, it was sooo fun!  I love taking the kids to the pool, or White Water, or to the creek.  I love that I get to be with them every day.  And although there were times when all I wanted was to be ALONE, I loved my summer.  Towards the end, I was starting to wear out. One day, I wanted the kids to clean their rooms and it seemed the only way it was going to get done was to A) do it myself or B) yell and scream.  I knew neither option was good so I just went into my room to take deep cleansing breaths.  I remembered a Trace Atkins song, "You're going to miss this"  so I pulled it up.  Before I knew it, I was sitting in my room bawling. Is there no way to keep our kids from growing up?? I think the only way we are going to be able to not look back with aching hearts at what is no longer, it to enjoy what we have now.  Be in the moment and soak it in. I can't believe I have no more preschoolers in my home!  From now on, I am going to enjoy every minute I have with my kids.  They are a gift, and they are growing before my eyes--someday I'm going to miss these days, but I'm not going to have any regrets!  Well, probably a few--hey, I'm human!

So my tip for the day is to listen to the words of this song. They are so true. Don't we always wish for the next phase of life?  When you find yourself frustrated or discontent, listen again and again.  No matter where you are in life, these are the good times! Watch Here

1 comment:

Janelle said...

Hey Stephanie! You are really good at this writing thing. I hope you stick with it.

I wish I could freeze time. I don't want my babies to grow up. I know each stage is fun, but I mourn the ones we leave behind.

Great song. Just heard it the other day.