Friday, October 15, 2010

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Part 3

here are a few more fun pics of the day....

the purchaser of the ebay item found money transferred INTO their account!

I hope that you all enjoyed this little project as much as I did. Giving to others can be so simple, it's just a state of mind. Thanks to all who participated and thanks, Gary, for setting a great example!

Happy Birthday Gary-part two

here are some updates from the morning so far....

The Gibson's from Arizona treated co-workers and complete strangers to lunch this week in honor of Gary...something Gary loves to do as well.

Joe White seized the opportunity to pass on a little of his own legacy to Gary's grandkids. He sent an I'm third note and pen reminding them to to honor Gary. Love it!

here are some quarters left at a carwash.

Marlene payed it forward at the Costco snack bar.

Pam payed for the car behind her at McDonalds.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Happy Birthday Gary-part one

Mission "Random Act of Kindness" has officially begun-- The Intelligent Kindness Team set out to the streets to give out seventy dollars in honor of 70 years! I can't wait to see how this little experiment turns out--stay tuned.....

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

it's a dream come true

well, not exactly, but kinda. My real dream (never realized) was to be published in Creating Keepsakes magazine. But that never happened, but my brother did--that's another story for my next counseling appointment. But if I ever thought I would make a video, I would have only dreamed that it would be put on Worship House Media. And a week ago it did--yay!! Sam and I had a lot of fun (and hard work) making this stop motion video. It started as a project for Sam and turned into bonding time for the two of us. I will have to post some pictures later of our "set". We need to give credit to the tolerant family that endured our kitchen table turned studio for a week. Anyway, the kind people at Worshiphousekids and worshiphousemedia liked it enough to offer it up on their website. I think what makes this really special is that I am a big fan of their own productions (igniter media) and a frequent customer. So maybe this will help me move on from feeling of scrapbooking rejection.....

Monday, June 28, 2010

A Peace Offering

I asked Lucy and Gwen to take Maya for a walk today. Evidentally, she pooped in a neighbor's yard and it was NOT well received. The girls came back a little shaken because the lady who lived there came out yelling at them. After they went back to clean up Maya's mess they asked if they could make some cookies. I found this bag as I was cleaning up. What a sweet little peace offering. I knew exactly who they were intended for, but when I asked them if they were going to take them to her they said "no, they didn't turn out. It just looks like a bag of crumbs." I do think they were on to something though....

Sunday, June 20, 2010

the latest escapades

The kids have learned a little bit about stop motion animation. Sam has been a little video making maniac (and I am loving seeing his creativity!) Here are a couple off his highlight reel.

He can't understand this one is my favorite, but I'm sure you will get it. I mean, I just never expected him to make bottle caps four square. I didn't even know he knew anything about four square (except the game four square which is totally different.)

Friday, April 2, 2010

A Dinner Of Fools

The boys are getting to that age where they are a little harder to "fool" on April Fool's day. So Andy switched around their dresser drawers while they were sleeping--it about led to a fist fight but they finally figured it out. Next, I added a couple drops of food coloring to the cereal bowls for some moldy milk--funny how they seemed to lose their appetite. After I dropped the kids off for school I played an joke on myself by leaving my purse at home (which really messed up my time line for the day)

For dinner that night we had some of our favorite people (the Self's) over for our "Dinner of Fools". Tonya and I had so much fun--I guess it was the artists in us :) We banned the kids from the kitchen as we set everything up. The kids thought nothing of it since they were more than happy to be outside playing.

On the menu:
grilled cheese=pound cake and yellow frosting (Tonya even toasted a few to make them look real)--Lucy thinks these were the most realistic
mini burgers=pecan sandies, choc covered oreos, frosting and coconut flakes
cupcakes= meatloaf and mashed potatoes
salad with booger dressing--it's hard to disguise salad, but what was really funny is that everything else was disguised so they thought it was something else.
sugar cookies=crescent rolls cut into star shapes (this was a bit of a stretch but we felt we needed another non sweet thing)
mashed potatoes=ice cream with carmel

The kids came in and we weren't disappointed with the reactions. They were on to the hamburgers but we even fooled Clay with the grilled cheese. Here's Lucy's reaction after she bit into the grilled cheese--sweet innocence...

We also had my niece Tori over, she got the quote of the night "Stephanie, I don't know if I will be able to trust you again after this." She's a hoot! Seriously, she didn't see this coming at all. Sorry Tori, I will try to re-earn your trust;)

(look at Tori, she does not know what to think!)

It wasn't the most healthy dinner, but we had a lot of fun, and best of all, we created memories with our kids--makes it all worth it! Looking forward to more times with the Self's.


Friday, March 26, 2010

The lost envelopes

My mom had some envelopes that she got in the mail. My dad gave them to her while she was on the computer and I was drawing. Inside the envelopes were checks and she was so tiered she put them aside.

A few days later she asked me if I remembered when dad gave her the mail and what she did with two envelopes. She said that she looked EVERYWHERE including the trash(and there was a lot of trash) I said no but when I went upstairs I looked a little bit. I came back down stairs and told her I looked a little bit in her room. Then I remembered that one time she told me that when you pray to God, he will help you. So I prayed to God for her. Later that night she came in my room and told me that she found her envelopes and she asked "guess were I found them?" and she told me that they were in her Bible. Then she said that was totally a God thing because I had prayed.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I've got a new blog partner

I was thinking about my little blog. I really do want to blog regularly and find it very difficult. I've never been good at journaling either. Then it occurred to me---I have a little mini-me that would love to help fill in the gaps! So now we have to look for a new blog name. It's going to be a joint effort between me and Lucy. I am looking forward to what she has to say :)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Emma's Day

Emma was so exited about her baptism. She slept in her cloths that she was going to get "bathtised" in. She was so exited she said to our dog Maya " Maya I'm getting "bathtised" today, aren't you proud of me?"

She said that she got a hug from almost every body after she got baptized. After church mom and dad asked where she wanted to eat to celebrate and she chose Chili's.

Emma got baptized because she asked Jesus into her heart. Then she wanted to tell EVERYONE when she got back to school. It was a day we will never forget!


Friday, February 12, 2010

bring on the Valentines

Lucy and emma are ready for their big Valentines party--oh excuse me, Lucy isn't having a party they are just not doing any work all day, playing valentines games and having special snacks. Regardless, they are both rockin' their "applique in reverse" t-shirts. I love it when a plan comes together (thanks to the snow days).

and here is Lucy's valentines for her class. We got the idea from One Pretty Thing (only the coolest website ever!)

And lastly, another sock monkey-her name is Polka.

And some exciting news, I sold my first sock monkey on Etsy. Mr. Puckles will be leaving us today--hope he likes his new home.

Hope you have a love filled weekend!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Pavlov Effect

I don't know why, but every time it snows I feel compelled to craft. There's just something about that beautiful sight that sends me to a happy crafting bliss. I hear a forecast of snow and I am more concerned of my craft stash than my food supply. I think if I ever wanted to be a full time crafter I would have to move to some little northern town that doesn't have a good snow removal system. Here's a recap:

I've been wanting to make sock monkeys for a while, but Lucy had feared hers wouldn't be "special" anymore. I humored that thinking for a year and finally told her to get a are a few of the cuties...

we made some hair accessories...

and some valentines day shirts--applique in reverse!

Now I have to clean up--ugg!

Monday, February 1, 2010

better late than never

I just discovered that Beth Moore has a blog!! I mean, I can't believe it's been there for a few YEARS and I just now found it! I guess today is the day that I NEEDED to find it. I have felt very dry lately (and when I say lately I mean for a while). I've been trying to dig my way out of this spiritual ditch I've driven in and it has been touch and go. Last year Beth did a scripture memory challenge. Learn a new scripture on the 1st and the 15th of each month and at the end of the year you have learned 24 scriptures. Here's the link, she explains the whole thing really well (I never knew you would need a video tutorial on scripture memory but it's actually helpful--and you know I love a good tutorial). So I'm putting this out on cyber space as some form of accountability. If you want to join me we can start our own little scripture memory team. I am going to start with Isaiah 33:6 NET (New English Translation) "He is your constant source of stability; He abundantly provides safety and great wisdom; He gives all this to those who fear him."

Saturday, January 30, 2010

when life gives you snow... make crafts!

The snow came in all it's glory, cancelling school along with the "Pure Joy" event that was planned for the weekend. Although I was disappointed we couldn't hold the event, I have to admit that I soooo love being stuck at home. It was a flury of crafts (my studio doesn't know what hit it). I got to use my Yudo machine again (for those of you who don't go to Michaels on a daily basis, it's a screen printer). I had a couple projects in minds so I got to work burning a screen. It's a simple process, but takes a little planning and patience. After my visit to Anthropologie on our girls weekend, I had been wanting to make some cool dishtowels. I had a lot of fun making them, but I think I might get a little crazy if my kids actually USED them so I will have to give them away so that I do not scar my children for life.

On to the next guessed it, American girl accessories (pictures to come). Lucy bought a white shirt for her doll at Michaels, we had to spruce that up a bit, then we needed a matching barrette. It was a little too big for Kit so it became Lucy's. Now Kit still needs a barrette and now Lucy needs a shirt to match her barrette. Do you see the viscous cycle?

We ended the day by watching Miss America. I am beginning to question my parenting skills. First Sam walks in the room during the swim suit competition. He shields his eyes and exclaims--"what are you watching!?!" Then Emma stands up and practices her pageant walk and disappears for a few minutes. She comes out with one of her Disney dress' on. I guess she doesn't feel pretty and asks if I will make her a gown like the ladies on TV--tonight, before I go to bed. Um, no. This doesn't compute in her little mind. She goes to bed thinking her mom is totally unreasonable, funny!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Meet Rebecca

After all the hoopla around Kit, Emma needed an American Girl too. Meet Rebecca--she is a lively New York girl with a flair for dramatics (when we saw that one of her accessories is a dress up trunk, we knew that she was the girl for Emma)

All the kids helped her save chips to "earn" it (I was a little more generous with the chips) Anyway, as usual, Emma does things her own way (do you sense my twitching). So, Emma wants me to make some outfits for her doll and I am more than happy to oblige. I offer some sweet pjs--no. A cute little jumper with a shirt underneath-no, I mean why pick something I've ALREADY done. No, Emma proceeds to look through the pattern book and order "this dress, only with these sleeves, oh and this little thing here.... And to top it off, she wanted it in royal blue satin (I just threw up a little in my mouth). She chose the blue satin because that was pretty much the only thing shiny in my fabric bin. I found this dress at Wal-Mart on clearance from Christmas for $5. Emma wanted to keep it as a dress up dress and still go with the blue satin, but I convinced her it was too small and would make a really cute dress for Rebecca. Here's the finished product (don't look too close) but it was perfect for Emma and Rebecca. All kidding aside, I love that Emma is so different from me and so wonderfully herself. No body is going to put her in a box, that is for sure!

Monday, January 25, 2010

American Girl Party--continued

Lucy got an American girl cookbook so we made lots of little fun food--here is lucy with her triple scoop ice cream cone.

The donuts weren't exacly picuresque so here is what you can do with multigrain Cheerios if you wanted to, we had a couple cute ones but they were eaten too quick to get a picture.

So nice the girls are old enough to do some of these things themselves! I knew it would pay off eventually.

I think the little smores were the cutest and the tastiest of all the things we tried, the girls all like the ice cream the best.

Caitlynn and Kara sporting their matching necklaces.

Tori and Lily with their necklaces and headbands.

Well, I have to admit that I think I had more fun at this party than anyone else. Now I am thinking about how I can re-create Kit's treehouse for Lucy's Christmas present (it's only 11 months away!)

Friday, January 22, 2010

A party for my American girl--part 1

Well, it's been a long time since I've blogged. I really want to blog, I'm just busy doing the stuff I want to blog about that I never get around to it. I thought I would try again, this time, with Lucy's 9th birthday celebration. She is not a girl who wants a big to-do come birthday time, just a small celebration with those she feels most comfortable with. We had the best of both worlds with 2 of her cousins and her sweet friend Caitlynn. I think this is a birthday she will always remember.

We made each doll a pj and slippers for the sleepover, and my mom made them all a little party dress. We had more crafts than time, but there is always tomorrow--here are a few of the high lights...
A funny note about the cake, Tori made Lucy an ice cream cake for her actual birthday (which was half eaten) so I had to make her a whole cake for her party...the cake is still whole. Everyone had ice cream cake. We were all singing the praises of the DQ!

Lucy got a couple of outfits from MeeMa. MeeMa is a doll lover and collector. She was quite the seamstress and made beautiful doll clothes. Lucy will treasure these!
We made mini pizzas with mini pepperonis . More mini food to come.
Personalizing mini clip boards (Lucy loves using my Slice cutter).

Caitlynn and Gwen and mod podge--
Here we are on craft #2, matching necklaces for the girls and their dolls.
The finished products...
Recipe for these cute little necklaces. So fun and easy!|

We ended the night with a movie, of course it was "Kit Kittredge, An American Girl" Tomorrow, we have a couple more crafts and some mini cooking to do.

Good night, sweet dreams!