Saturday, January 30, 2010

when life gives you snow... make crafts!

The snow came in all it's glory, cancelling school along with the "Pure Joy" event that was planned for the weekend. Although I was disappointed we couldn't hold the event, I have to admit that I soooo love being stuck at home. It was a flury of crafts (my studio doesn't know what hit it). I got to use my Yudo machine again (for those of you who don't go to Michaels on a daily basis, it's a screen printer). I had a couple projects in minds so I got to work burning a screen. It's a simple process, but takes a little planning and patience. After my visit to Anthropologie on our girls weekend, I had been wanting to make some cool dishtowels. I had a lot of fun making them, but I think I might get a little crazy if my kids actually USED them so I will have to give them away so that I do not scar my children for life.

On to the next guessed it, American girl accessories (pictures to come). Lucy bought a white shirt for her doll at Michaels, we had to spruce that up a bit, then we needed a matching barrette. It was a little too big for Kit so it became Lucy's. Now Kit still needs a barrette and now Lucy needs a shirt to match her barrette. Do you see the viscous cycle?

We ended the day by watching Miss America. I am beginning to question my parenting skills. First Sam walks in the room during the swim suit competition. He shields his eyes and exclaims--"what are you watching!?!" Then Emma stands up and practices her pageant walk and disappears for a few minutes. She comes out with one of her Disney dress' on. I guess she doesn't feel pretty and asks if I will make her a gown like the ladies on TV--tonight, before I go to bed. Um, no. This doesn't compute in her little mind. She goes to bed thinking her mom is totally unreasonable, funny!

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