Friday, March 27, 2009

Welcome Spring

Yes, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  We still have the threat of snow this weekend, but these glorious 60-70 degree days have been therapy to my sun-deprived soul. Tonight we had a pancake celebration of spring (thanks Ann for the cute pancake molds).  Occasionally we like to have breakfast for dinner for a couple of reasons--a) I'm in NO mood first thing in the morning to lovingly make molded pancakes, and b) when you've eaten beef for like 5 days in a row (anyone who has ever had a cow slaughtered knows what I'm talking about), peanut butter pancakes sound really good.  And here are some more springish pictures to brighten your day....

Sam and Roy opted for Mickey

Here is Lucy in her bunny t-shirt lovingly appliqued by yours truely. You can find instructions here, it's my new favorite blog.  She is visiting her teacher, Mrs. Hogan, who just had a baby.

I'm thinking of stacking some books like this. I just hope it will look intentional, and not like I'm a hoarder.

Meet Rooty

Originally uploaded by stephaniewatson
She's a sweet and friendly gal. A little off beat, but we love her anyway. She is the product of Mommy/Lucy tonsil recovery time while the rest of the fam was at church. We think she's kind of lonely, so stay tuned.....

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My Happy Place

After reading the posts that I wrote at the beginning of this blog back in September, I realized I had some updating to do.  At the time, Disney World seemed like wishful thinking. It's fun to read what I wrote and then see what God actually did.   January 30th, the Watson family flew to Orlando for a week at Disney World! How did it happen--nothing that seemed too miraculous--a combination of good deals, condo connections, a little savings, a great bonus, and a tax return. Put it all together, and we have a vacation of a lifetime. It was tiring, a little stressful, expensive and TOTALLY MAGICAL! We had an amazing time. We were so thankful and realized that God had orchestrated it all.  The kids were at perfect ages to enjoy and appreciate the whole experience (with the exception of Emma).  Now, it's my happy place. No need to turn on the TV to lull myself to sleep. Just close my eyes and take a walk down main street!

taking another stab

Ok, so thus far, my blogging efforts have been less than stellar. I don't know how I managed to fizzle off after only 2 days of blogging, but I am going to give it another stab. Give it another try. Take a new approach.  This blog is going to be more about things that inspire me, new ideas I'm trying, and pretty much whatever floats my boat.  I figure I have nothing to lose since I have only one or two faithful followers (thanks mom and dad!).  So today--drum roll please--I am going to introduce you to..I haven't even decided yet, I'm thinking...I'm asking latest baby gift --the tag monster!  I know what you must be thinking--"wow! She's amazing!"  Well, this is the part that I get real with all you people, I just followed a simple pattern I found on the world wide web.  Simply click here to download a pdf pattern of this cutie and before you know it, you will be crafting the night away.  I'm off to deliver my tag monster to a lucky little baby.  See ya in a few months--just kiddng ;)