Friday, March 26, 2010

The lost envelopes

My mom had some envelopes that she got in the mail. My dad gave them to her while she was on the computer and I was drawing. Inside the envelopes were checks and she was so tiered she put them aside.

A few days later she asked me if I remembered when dad gave her the mail and what she did with two envelopes. She said that she looked EVERYWHERE including the trash(and there was a lot of trash) I said no but when I went upstairs I looked a little bit. I came back down stairs and told her I looked a little bit in her room. Then I remembered that one time she told me that when you pray to God, he will help you. So I prayed to God for her. Later that night she came in my room and told me that she found her envelopes and she asked "guess were I found them?" and she told me that they were in her Bible. Then she said that was totally a God thing because I had prayed.


1 comment:

Patricia said...

Lucy, I love your story. You are so amazing. I have lost a bunch of things, too, and know how exciting it is to find something. Looking for something really hard always reminds me of the parable of The Great Shepherd.